Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Inexpensive Employee Appreciation Ideas

One easy way to help keep employees motivated is to provide extra perks. This time of year many employers shell out big bucks in holiday bonuses and/or holiday parties. Revenue may be lower due to a decrease in time spent on tasks. Why? A high number of vacation days used, extra "water cooler" time spent discussing the holidays, holiday planning at their desks, etc. It becomes a financial challenge for many employers to provide these perks that have become expected.

As a business owner, you want your employees to feel appreciated and to be happy in their work environment. Is there a way to achieve this without spending a fortune? The answer is yes and here are some ideas!
  • Talk with your vendors. You provide them with business throughout the year and help keep their business profitable. See if they would be willing to offer discounts directly to your employees.
  • Talk with local merchants. Perhaps you can make arrangements to offer discounts to each others employees.
  • Professional associations may have agreements for discounts to their members. If so, see if you can extend these discounts to your employees.
  • The gift of time is always a cherished perk. Depending upon your business structure, there are different ways to make this manageable. One way is to change the working hours to four ten-hour days thereby providing your employees a three day weekend every week! Another way is to have a rotating schedule for employees to add extra time to their lunch hour or leave early for the day. An hour here and there may not affect your bottom line too much or may even improve it by keeping your employees motivated and happy!
Of course, not all perks are free, but the benefits of providing them can be great. If you would like to offer perks to your employees, but cash flow is a challenge, speak with one of the business consultants at National Business Capital. We can discuss the options available to provide you with the cash flow you need.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Every Business Needs a Line of Credit

We are fast approaching the fiscal cliff and there is great concern about the impact it will have on our economy. Business owners worry about loss in cash flow and the ability to purchase needed supplies. Establishing a line of credit with vendors is one way to ensure the business will have the supplies it needs.

Unfortunately, vendors are feeling the stress of the economy as well and small business owners may find it more difficult to be approved for credit. This is especially true for newer businesses that have not had the opportunity to develop a good credit rating. If you are looking to establish credit with vendors, here are some tips:
  • Start Small: It takes time to build trusting relationships. Do not ask for too much too soon. Prove your credit worthy by creating a pattern of timely payments.
  • Share Documentation: Vendors will want to see objective proof that you are credit worthy. Have documents available for the vendor to review. Ask other business owners that you have relationships with for a letter of recommendation.
  • Get Personal: Before looking for credit to be extended, take time to review your personal credit reports and ensure their accuracy. Have corrections made if needed.
In place of, or in addition to, credit directly with vendors, National Business Capital may be able to help you open a business line of credit. Our approval process is faster and easier than at traditional banks. Speak with one of our business consultants to learn more!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Financial Stress During the Holidays? National Business Capital May Be Able to Help!

The holiday season is a time of great profits for some industries, but can slow business down in other industries. Many business owners worry throughout the season either hoping to make enough profit to tide them over during slow months or hoping to make it through the holiday slow down. Along with wishes for happy holidays, National Business Capital may be able to offer solutions to ease your financial worry.

Small business owners find it difficult to obtain financing from traditional banks. The process is slow moving, confusing, and often the lender searches for reasons to reject loans. National  Business Capital differs by actively searching for ways to approve loans with the best interest rates and repayment structures. The process is quick and easy providing the business owner quick access to the money.

Holidays should be a time for enjoying the fruits of your labor along with your friends and family. However, the economy of the past few years has taken quite a toll on so many businesses. Add the disruption and devastation from natural weather events that many areas of country have faced and the stress is magnified. Call National Business Capital and speak with one of our business consultants to learn if we can provide the funding to make this holiday season one of joy rather than stress!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Business Financing for Victims of Hurricane Sandy

It has been a tiring and emotional week for the residents of the the East Coast as Hurricane Sandy tore a destructive path across many states. National Business Capital is a Long Island based company and we had a front row view of the devastation. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who have been affected by the storm.

We are pleased to be in the position to help business owners as the recovery from the storm continues. Our business consultants are on hand to discuss funding opportunities and eligibility. Insurance companies are overwhelmed with processing claims due to losses from Sandy. We can provide fast funding to eligible applicants for use while waiting on insurance. We also may be able to provide funding with no payments for 30 days!

Call National Business Capital today to learn how we can help your business move forward during this difficult time!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

National Business Capital Makes Strides Against Breast Cancer!

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and here on Long Island that means the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk held at Jones Beach. Two employees of National Business Capital proudly participated in the walk and showed their support for this great cause.

Jack Hasso and Dirk Nova walked in honor of Maria Nova, cancer survivor. Mr.Hasso said, "It was a great experience taking part in the walk.  The weather was perfect, the crowd was very energetic and everyone really enjoyed the day.  We do it every year.  There’s no better feeling than supporting such an amazing cause and charity and it’s special when the person you’re walking with is a survivor."

National Business Capital would like to thank everyone who made this event possible, from the organizers and walkers to the people who offered love and encouragement. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How Much Is It Costing Your Business By Not Taking A Loan?

Right now business owners are taking advantage of great opportunities by using our working capital. Usually when taking advantage of an opportunity, you need capital. If the profit outweighs the cost of capital, the opportunity makes sense. How much is it costing your business by not taking a loan? 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do You Have the Funding to Prepare for the Vital Holiday Season?

Whew! The fast pace of summer business has slowed down giving business owners a chance to re-group and prepare for the rush of the holiday season. October can be a slow business month, especially for retailers and restaurants, making it the perfect time to plan ahead!

A profitable holiday season is crucial to the success of retail stores and restaurants. In order to maximize your profits, consider the following:

  • Inventory should be well stocked and ready for the earliest holiday shoppers! The good news is that many vendors offer discounts during the month of October. Take advantage and stock up! Check with your suppliers to see if discounts are offered or ask for a discount if you buy in bulk.
  • Increase your marketing efforts during the busy holiday season! Consumers are bombarded with print ads, online ads, radio and t.v. ads all calling for their business. Be sure you are heard above the rest! Speak with your marketing company to see if they will provide a discount for early payment on your holiday ads.
  • Do you have enough staff? There is nothing more frustrating than filling your business with customers, but losing the sales because you do not have adequate staff to service them. Hire seasonal staff early enough to train them well. Having enough salespeople or servers means nothing if they can not do the job properly.
Don't let limited cash flow hinder your holiday sales! Speak with a business consultant at National Business Capital to learn about our financing programs!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Business Credit Lines Open To Almost ALL Industries!

Having access to a business line of credit can be crucial to the health of a company. For many business owners, if not most, a line of credit has not been a possibility for years. The struggling economy resulted in banks tightening the reins and all but eliminating lines of credit.

National Business Capital has been working hard to bring business lines of credit back! A few months ago, we were able to offer line of credit to a limited number of industries, but we are happy to announce that we can now offer lines of credit to almost all industries! National Business Capital has not been able to offer business lines of credit with such flexible guidelines in 5 years! While most banks continue to cut or close credit lines, National Business Capital can often approve them in as little as 48 hours and we do not require collateral! 

What makes our credit lines so attractive?

  • Receive an Actual Checkbook!
  • Only Pay for What You Use!
  • Take Additional Funds When Needed!
  • Interest is Tax Deductible!
  • No Real Estate Collateral!
  • Based on Annual Sales!
Call and speak with one of our business consultants to learn what YOUR business qualifies for!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Is the Approval Process for Your Business Loan Taking Too Long?

As a business owner you apply for loans for a number of reasons. You may need cash flow to meet payroll responsibilities, equipment may need to be fixed or purchased, or perhaps you are ready to grow the business to create more revenue.  Whatever the reason, the faster you receive the financing, the faster you can take care of business.

The loan process at a bank is a long and tedious one.  Banks are required to give due consideration to each application and must go through a series of steps. So even if the first employee to look at the application knows it will not be approved, you may still wait a number of weeks until you are denied. That is lost time that could have been used to find an alternate source of financing. 

Fortunately, National Business Capital has a loan process that moves very quickly.  In fact, most loans can be approved in 24 - 48 hours and can be funded within 5 -7 business days!  

National Business Capital is a niche commercial finance company that works with many types of businesses, big or small, nationwide. Call and speak with one of our business consultants to learn how we can help your business!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Are You Taking Advantage of Social Media to Promote Your Business?

Social media has become a large piece of the marketing puzzle for businesses, but many business owners fail to understand the true value.  While social media strategies will differ from business to business, each should implement and use social media.

Some business owners feel their business is not the "right fit" for social media because they see it as a tool for "social" businesses such as restaurants or clothing stores.  This is not true as National Business Capital itself can show you. We have a social media marketing plan which focuses on educating and engaging our customers rather than posting silly pictures for caption contests or coupons for nachos. Understanding the various social networks and their individual value propositions is important for every industry.

It's not all fun and games. Social media has become a key piece in search engine optimization.  The businesses who find themselves at the top of search results pages typically have active social media channels. It is also important to note that using the channels is not enough.  Take the time to learn how to use social media for business as it is a whole different beast than using it for fun.  

Social media is a viable tool for each and every business.  Take the time to do research and speak with professionals to help guide you in developing a successful plan. How about starting by looking at National Business Capital's social media?  Follow the link to our website and click on the icons!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Does My Credit Score Mean?

Do you want to secure a business loan, but are afraid your credit score will make you ineligible? 

Are you worried that recent financial hardships have decimated your credit?

Have you found mistakes in your credit report that have not been corrected?

Any of the above scenarios can induce anxiety when applying for a business loan. Remove the fear of the unknown and you will be well on your way to removing the anxiety. National Business Capital can help!

Take the first step and call us.  One of our business consultants can provide you with a FREE CREDIT CONSULTATION and help you devise a strategy to secure the best financing terms possible.  Poor credit does not automatically mean no loan approval!

The business consultant will ensure that you know how to read a credit report.  Should there be any mistakes on your report, the consultant will advise how to correct them.  It is important to note that there are many companies that claim to fix your credit.  Be wary as many are unethical; may charge up-front fees and provide no solutions.  If your report is correct, but your score is still less than stellar, the consultant can advise how to improve the score. 

The business consultant can help guide you through your options.  The answer may be to apply for a small loan now, take time to repair your credit, then apply for a larger loan. Or, even with poor credit, you may qualify for PREMIUM approval by National Business Capital right now

The most important fact is to know your scores and understand how they affect financing terms.  A bit of knowledge may save you thousands of dollars!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Did You Know National Business Capital Finances Equipment For Up To Five Years?

Attention!  Valuable information to help increase profits! 


You've heard the saying, "You have to spend money to make money." Purchasing equipment in order to offer additional services and/or be more efficient is a great way to better serve your customers and increase your profits. 

National Business Capital offers excellent financing options so you can increase your profits and still maintain the cash flow you need!

Why finance your equipment purchase with National Business Capital?
  • Terms up to 5 years frees up your cash flow
  • Purchase new or used equipment
  • Not limited to a particular vendor; shop anywhere you choose
  • Tax deductible
  • Payments once per month
MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, you may also be qualified to refinance your existing equipment loans purchase equipment with terms up to ten years!

Do you have a high interest rate loan/lease with a balance over $200,000? You may be eligible to refinance to a lower interest rate! 
Please call us and speak with one of our business consultants to discuss your options and receive a no obligation quote!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tax Time Worries? National Business Capital Can Help!

Tax season is tough, especially in this difficult economy.  Often, money is stretched just to cover operating expenses and business owners find they are unable to pay taxes. Fortunately, National Business Capital can help!

National Business Capital
National Business Capital offers a variety of financing programs and works with each applicant to  create a tailor fit solution. National Business Capital can even provide solutions where other lenders can not. We can provide:
  • Financing to pay taxes
  • Financing to pay tax liens
  • Financing to business owners NOT on an IRS Payment Plan
Recently, National Business Capital helped a business owner obtain financing to pay a $140,000 tax lien. We were even able to offer one of our premium programs! If taxes are a concern to you, call and speak with one of our experts so we can create a solution for you!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Maximize Your Summer Earnings!

Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer.  Is your business ready? National Business Capital can help prepare your business to maximize your summer earnings. NOW is the time to finance all of your seasonal needs!

Our financing programs can help repair, replace, update, your equipment or create services to increase your revenue. Don't wait for equipment to fail and you find yourself in a bind.  Be proactive so that you can research and purchase the best equipment at the best price.

Restaurants Owners! Would an outside bar or patio increase revenue? Does your patio furniture need an update? Does the outside of your building look clean and inviting? Act now and enjoy summer months filled with new customers.

Doctors!  Be creative!  Are there additional services you can provide to increase your revenue and provide greater patient care?  Do you need special equipment to offer this service? Don't let finances hinder you.

Landscapers, Pool Services, Contractors!  Do you own a company that relies on summer income for the bulk of your earnings?  If so, ensure your equipment is top quality and prepared to work hard.  Would new equipment allow you to offer additional services or work faster?  Do you have the funds to maximize your advertising during these critical months?  Do you have enough employees to handle the amount of business you could be doing?

Call now and learn how National Business Capital can help make this summer a successful one!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Business Credit Lines are Back!

Having access to a line of credit is essential for a business.  Since cash flow can be unsteady and unpredictable, quick access to funds can help a business make payroll, pay taxes, pay bills, buy equipment, etc.  
With the economy causing greater fluctuations in cash flow, business owners need lines of credit more than ever. Unfortunately, most banks have cut or closed their business line of credit programs.  Not us.  National Business Capital never stopped lending and our guidelines have remained flexible.

Some of the benefits of a business line of credit are:
  • Having peace of mind knowing that you have access to available credit.
  • Receive an actual check book!
  • Only pay for the funds that you use.
  • Having the ability to take separate drafts when needed.
National Business Capital's business line of credit is available to limited industries. Call and speak with one of our business experts to learn if your business qualifies.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Local Daily Deals for Small Business

By now everyone has heard of, and probably used,  Groupon, Living Social, or one of the many sites like them.  These sites all work along the same premise, they just go about it slightly differently. They offer customers the chance to purchase one significant deal each day.  This allows the business to attract a large number of new customers and, hopefully, earn their continued business. 

Daily deals have worked well for many businesses, but problems have been seen as well.  For instance, many small business owners find it difficult to offer the large discounts that is required to utilize these coupon services. Also, with the huge quantity of deals being offered, many business owners believe customers go where the next coupon sends them rather than convert to a repeat customer.  Again, this is especially difficult for a small business.

A new coupon based marketing company thinks it has the answer for small business.  Constant Contact, a company used by approximately half a million small businesses to manage and create email marketing campaigns, has recently launched SaveLocal.  Rather than model the marketing campaign on large scale consumer lists, Save Local targets your existing customers and offers incentives to share coupons with their social networks. In addition, the merchant controls the amount of discount offered to ensure they do not lose money and Save Local only charges $1 to $3 per coupon.

So what's in this for your existing customers? That is up to the merchant.  Some examples are an extra discount on the coupon, a percent off a future visit, or even a free item.  The biggest plus is that the customer gets the incentive just for sharing!  Your existing customer is thanked, by earning the incentive, simply for sharing the coupon whether or not any of their friends make a purchase.

Targeting your existing customers social networks increases the chance that the person seeing your coupon is local to your business and therefore more likely to use it.  SaveLocal states that approximately 1/5 of the people responding to the deals are new customers for the merchant.  Being local customers, they are more likely to be become repeat customers.

National Business Capital is always on the lookout for services which may benefit our customers. SaveLocal may be a good marketing option for small businesses to reach local customers.   Take a look if you think daily deal marketing might work for you.

Friday, March 9, 2012

How to Successfully Price Business Services

Deciding to open your own business is a risky, yet exciting, venture.  One of the most important factors to consider is how to price your services so that you can make a profit.  Customers come to National Business Capital for help achieving their business financial success, whether through funding or merchant services, so we would like to offer the following tips on setting price points.

Many business owners feel they should undercut their competition when first starting out. Discounts may be given to family members, friends, neighbors, or anyone to bring in business.  This may seem like a good way to start, but there are a few problems it can create. First, can the business sustain itself on this reduced pricing? The business may be busy with work, possibly even overloaded, but still be unable to cover costs.  Second, pricing affects the perceived value of your services.  Set your price too low and potential customers may question the quality of your work or the need for the particular service you provide.

Raising the price of services often causes concern for business owners as they feel customers may be upset or not feel the need to continue the service at the higher price point.  Confidence is key here.  The business was created because there is a demand for the services provided and the business produces quality work.  Communicate with your customers to be sure they have a full understanding of the full value your business provides.  Highlight the areas where you go above and beyond your competitors. Higher prices means the business can sustain itself on fewer customers or with added employees.  Either way, staff will have more time to spend with each client therefore providing greater service.  The higher price point may also help attract the right customers, meaning the customers who understand the value of your business and the value of paying for quality products.

Take a look at the cost to you for providing the service and then determine a fair profit margin.  Customers understand that a profit needs to be made and will not begrudge a fair one, but may walk away from a business with a reputation for overcharging.

Research the industry.  Find out what competitors are charging. Review annual statement studies on small and mid-sized business financial benchmarks and be sure your profit margin is in the ballpark. Overall, have confidence in yourself and your business and the value you place on it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pinterst for My Business?

The use of social media in business is on the rise and business owners are learning that it is not whether they use it, but how they use it.  Keeping up with the constant evolution of social media can create a challenge for the business owner to implement the best strategy.

The newest social network to grow at an unprecedented rate is Pinterest.com. The site works as an online scrap booking community. The users create different boards on which they pin items of interest.  For example, a user may create a board for photography to include unusual photos they come across or may create a board for their favorite kid friendly recipes. The user may follow people who pin items they find interesting and can in turn re-pin the item to their boards.

Business owners have rapidly been learning the benefits Pinterest can have for their business.  There are many ways a business can utilize the site for their benefit.  Let's take a look at how a hair salon may use it.  The salon owner can create a board for each faction of their business, such as Wedding Styles, Color, Hair Care Products, Cosmetics, Hair Care Tips, etc.  The owner will then pin pictures of the styles they have created, the color treatments they have done, the products they sell, and tips to keep hair healthy or manage hair in difficult weather. Each person who follows the salon then shares all of these pictures and tips with their followers.  Comments can also be left for each pin. 

Suppose your business does not sell actual products, but rather provides a service.  Let's look at how a medical provider might utilize Pinterest.  The provider can create boards to offer education and tips to their followers.  For example, Preventative Care, How to Care for a Cold, The Benefits of Immunizations, etc. 

Pinterest is the HOT social network at the moment and offers business owners free word of mouth advertising and a free platform to showcase their work.  The staff at National Business Capital is always on the lookout for ways to help their customers become more successful. Pinterest may be useful tool to spread the word about your business.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Workers = Productive Workers

Everyone dreams of having a job that they love going to each and every day.  As a business owner, hopefully you have created a work environment that you find enjoyable and you love the industry you work in. Now take a moment to think about your employees. 

Most likely your employees smiled a lot during their interview with you and "wowed" you with their enthusiasm for the position.  Their early days were likely filled with energy and aspirations.  How do their attitudes seem to be now?  Do you see smiles and hear friendly, happy voices?  Do they want to be successful not only for themselves, but for the betterment of your company?  Or perhaps, are your employees using a lot of sick days, coming in late, or rushing out a bit too early?

Research has shown over and over again that a happy employee is a productive employee.  Creating a positive work environment is not just a fringe benefit for your employees, but it is vital to the success of your company. 

Studies show that management styles may be the largest factor in employee satisfaction.  Whether you are the sole manager or you have a management team, help ensure that your employees are happily engaged at work.  Managers should show both the ability and willingness to help an employee achieve his/her goal.  Workers are more productive when they feel their work is meaningful and their efforts are appreciated.

Companies such as Google, Apple, Zappos, and Maya Design consistently rate as top companies to work for in America.  They all share similar leadership styles and focus on a positive company culture.  They believe in the research which shows that freedom and an enriched environment facilitates hard work and positive results. You can achieve the same results even if your company is not as large.

How you promote the positive company culture will depend upon your specific company.  Options available to some companies may not work for another.  For example, the opportunity to work from home when not feeling well or caring for a sick child may work for an employee who can do most of his/her work on the home computer.  A retail store can not utilize this option.

Adult workers today spend an enormous amount of their time working.  Look for ways to help improve the work/life balance and have fun.  Possibilities are flexible work hours, providing on-site child care or an on-site gym.  Perhaps you can give your employees their birthday off  or provide lunch for the staff once per week or month.  If that is too expensive, you can have a company lunch time every so often where your employees all take lunch at the same time and you facilitate games or bring in a movie.

The bottom line is that your employees happiness does matter.  Think outside of the box and find creative ways to engage them as well as problem solve.  Be approachable and open to new ideas and your employees just may help you design the positive work environment you all are looking for! We, at National Business Capital, hope you find this article beneficial!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thank You For the Stellar Testimonials!

Here at National Business Capital we pride ourselves on our customer service. We are pleased to share some thoughtful testimonials from happy customers. Thank you for putting your trust in us!

"Funding in 7 days? I thought it was impossible, especially after getting my applications declined by my local bank and other companies. I am forever grateful that National Business Capital was able to help me when I needed it the most. You guys are the best. It was a pleasure working with you."-Gina, Hawaii-Retail

"A medical loan from National Business Capital allowed us to purchase new equipment which has helped us dramatically since our existing equipment needed to be replaced. I will never forget what you did for my practice. You were great. Everything was explained to me in detail and I could not have asked for more in a company." -Dr. Anderson, California-Medical
"I was having difficulty at my local bank obtaining an SBA loan to acquire an additional practice. National Business Capital was very knowledgeable and straight to the point. They told me what documentation I needed upfront and made the process a smooth one. I was able to get my SBA and open my practice much sooner than I expected. Thank you." -Dr. Ryder, New York-Dental 

"I just wanted to thank National Business Capital for helping us with our cash advance. It was great working with your entire staff. The entire team was extremely personable, knowledgeable and quick to respond to any questions or little hurdles that came up. We still can’t believe your replenish department was able to get us additional cash twice in the matter of months. We look forward to a longstanding relationship with you guys! Thanks again." -Denise and Jim, North Carolina-Restaurant

 "I was not comfortable with cash advance programs like this at first. I mentioned to a fellow colleague in the area that I was having some difficulty obtaining a business loan and that my application was pending for 3 weeks at my bank and then unfortunately got declined. He told me the terms he was able to get through them and I thought he was just boasting until I actually called them. I took his advice and I’m so glad that I did. The cash advance program was explained to me in full detail. The only question I had was “can they get me the money as fast as the said they would?” They had that question answered for me in 5 days when I checked my bank account Friday morning. I just can’t believe that National Business Capital was able to get me the money I needed, while the bank I have been doing business with for 12 years was not able to help. I know I can count on your staff in the future." -Dr. Chong, Ohio-Medical

Friday, January 13, 2012

How To Beat The January Business Blues

It is well known that the month of January can be a difficult one for many people in their personal lives, but did you know that the "January Blues" can affect a business as well?  National Business Capital has researched the many ways a business might be affected by the January slow down.  We offer the following advice given by business owners and experts.

The months leading up to the holidays are, for many businesses, extremely hectic.  Pressure for high sales may felt by employees across the board.  In addition to sales pressure, many additional year end tasks need to be completed.  Many business owners and employees work long hours and extra days to successfully get through the holiday season.  Once the season is over, a certain let down my be felt.

The sales are over.  The decorations are taken down and placed in storage. The holiday parties have come and gone.  For some businesses, January means long hours of inventory. The days are shorter and colder and many people feel they have little time for leisure activities.  All of this can have a negative impact on employee (and business owner) morale.

One suggestion we were given is to look at January as a time to better your business self.  Since this is typically a slow business time, take the opportunity to attend professional seminars or classes.  Go to some of those networking events that you always mean to attend, but somehow never find the time to. Bring speakers into the office to further your employees education.

While November and December focused greatly on your customers, why not take some time in January to place focus on your employees?  Again, with this typically being a slow time for business, plan some team building activities and/or employee appreciation events. Depending upon the size of your company, you may spend one on one time with each employee or department. 

January is also a good time to review your expenses.  A great way to boost your own morale is to find some areas where you can save some money.  Look at your phone and internet service as well as health insurance and price competitors.  Review all independent services such as accountant, copy service, mailing/shipping.  Be mindful of contracts and termination fees and plan when will be the best time to make changes.

Connect with your customers.  Depending upon the size and type of business, this may mean reaching out in different ways.  Send an email blast and ask for suggestions of what your customers would like to see in the coming year.  If possible, make personal contact with your clients to help them feel connected to you.  Offer special loyalty discounts/programs.

National Business Capital wants to help you feel motivated to make 2012 your best year yet!  Hopefully these suggestions will help!