Friday, August 31, 2012

Is the Approval Process for Your Business Loan Taking Too Long?

As a business owner you apply for loans for a number of reasons. You may need cash flow to meet payroll responsibilities, equipment may need to be fixed or purchased, or perhaps you are ready to grow the business to create more revenue.  Whatever the reason, the faster you receive the financing, the faster you can take care of business.

The loan process at a bank is a long and tedious one.  Banks are required to give due consideration to each application and must go through a series of steps. So even if the first employee to look at the application knows it will not be approved, you may still wait a number of weeks until you are denied. That is lost time that could have been used to find an alternate source of financing. 

Fortunately, National Business Capital has a loan process that moves very quickly.  In fact, most loans can be approved in 24 - 48 hours and can be funded within 5 -7 business days!  

National Business Capital is a niche commercial finance company that works with many types of businesses, big or small, nationwide. Call and speak with one of our business consultants to learn how we can help your business!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Are You Taking Advantage of Social Media to Promote Your Business?

Social media has become a large piece of the marketing puzzle for businesses, but many business owners fail to understand the true value.  While social media strategies will differ from business to business, each should implement and use social media.

Some business owners feel their business is not the "right fit" for social media because they see it as a tool for "social" businesses such as restaurants or clothing stores.  This is not true as National Business Capital itself can show you. We have a social media marketing plan which focuses on educating and engaging our customers rather than posting silly pictures for caption contests or coupons for nachos. Understanding the various social networks and their individual value propositions is important for every industry.

It's not all fun and games. Social media has become a key piece in search engine optimization.  The businesses who find themselves at the top of search results pages typically have active social media channels. It is also important to note that using the channels is not enough.  Take the time to learn how to use social media for business as it is a whole different beast than using it for fun.  

Social media is a viable tool for each and every business.  Take the time to do research and speak with professionals to help guide you in developing a successful plan. How about starting by looking at National Business Capital's social media?  Follow the link to our website and click on the icons!